Friday 28 June 2013

What Your Expectations Should Be About a Web Analytics Solution

But what do you do when the process does not finish at your website? Do you know what to do when the character of your online business won't allow your users to finish the purchase online? May be, they may just send in special kind of form for the price quotation. And may be they will fill out some kind of call-me-back form. Is there any way you could measure those?

You need to know some crude facts for gauging non-direct conversions. Today, a number of web analytics tools will provide you with you special solutions to such problems. For instance, they'll let you to passively import the required data from the back-end system you have. Such an approach is ideal as you get to comprehensively analyze what the visitors did while moving around your website. This is pretty much comparable with the analysis of a full-fledged online conversion.

If you look at the big picture, all the data on the sources, behaviour or trends are readily available. Thus you are able to do virtually everything you wish. Unfortunately some web analytics tools with limited capacity won't let you to passively import the data in the system.

So you need to choose something that establishes a connection between the back-end system you have and your web analytics application. The reality is that, it's impossible to import your data into online applications like Google Analytics. Do you think you can really extract the essential data from Google Analytics? Could you match those data to each and every conversion in the back-end system? Fortunately, it's possible that you extract the data from Google Analytics if you make use of the API. Whatever, let's take a clear look at the different aspects for creating the connection.

You need a special web analytics solution that lets you to set Custom Variables. The big idea behind custom variables is that, you will create a feasible connection between your Google Analytics data and those data found in the back-end system. A good idea here is to create a compatible identifier for every visit (this could be a special hash tag or anything of that sort) you'll be able to post that particular variable into a special Custom Variable as well as in the hidden field in the price quotation form. If you store this hidden field into the back-end system you'll be able to export all the individual transactions later on - which include their visit id hash tag.

It's also possible that you request the entire chunk of data from your web analytics application API if you can segment on that particular identifier. This lets you to easily get a full-fledged insight in whatever that user did in their visit or how they managed to get into the website. Understandably, this could prove particularly interesting when you try to examine the traffic sources as well as the used keywords. You'll also get to compare the underlying differences between the sources that drive price quotations as well as sources that trigger actual conversions. Actually, that's how your user experience with your web analytics system should be.

Increase Your Conversion Rate! Turn your expensive missed opportunities into CUSTOMERS and SALES. A managed Real-Time Analytics web application that will drastically increase YOUR conversion rate like no one else.


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